New Barn
We have finally finished our replacement barn…….!
The old Atcost shed was knocked down and some of the old concrete pillars used to adjust the ground heights. The roof was asbestos so had to be disposed of safely by being wrapped in plastic, put in a special skip and taken to a registered tip.
The galvanised steel frame was then erected using our telehandler, and then concrete sheets inserted into the lugs in the frame. The new roof is made of pressed concrete panels.
This barn is situated between the farm track and The Granary and will provide access for cattle directly from the field in front of the holiday lets. The barn is separated into two distinct areas – the front of the barn is open ended leading out onto concrete with gates to the field. It has a feed barrier allowing the haylage to be rolled out and kept apart from the sleeping area, direct water feeders and a calving gate. Our cows should be in paradise whenever they need the shelter…..!
The other half of the barn is completely enclosed with a roller shutter door and will be used as a protected area for vehicles and machinery.
The final step was the installation of 30 solar panels on the roof which along with the batteries will go a long way in supplying the electric for the farm and holiday lets – particularly in the summer!