Debbie caught this on camera this morning.  What good girls they are!  Just following me out.  Actually, I don’t think I needed to be there at all.  I could just open the gate and they know the way!

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Weaning Calves

After some delay, we have finally taken steps to wean the calves.  Rather than separate them from their mothers, with all the associated balling and shouting, we decided to try QuietWean flaps for the calves… We’ve been running the animals through the new Rotex cattle handling system and crush for the last few days, so...

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Sheep at Treathro

It struck me the other day that we have no pictures or information about the sheep that we have here now.  We actually have 180 tack sheep here – 80 Cheviots and 100 Welsh Mules.  We don’t own these animals, the arrangement with tack grazing is that the owner pays per head per week for...

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We have closed in the open front of the workshop / diesel store.  We needed a secure store protected from the weather and this open-fronted lean-to shed was a good candidate.  A couple of block-work dwarf walls, with a simple timber framing to take the corrugated steel sheets has done the job.   The constant...

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Working day

    What a working environment – you cannot beat it! Absolutely stupendous day, gorgeous sunshine and completely calm.  Wild windy weather is great too but in a very different way…….  

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