Month: October 2017
Concreting for the cattle handling area…
With the help of Lotte and Jordan, we’ve been preparing the level area for a new Rotex cattle handling system. Luckily I checked the requirements of the rotex before ordering it, and discovered that it needs a good level area to stand on. “Level” is something missing from the concreted areas here, so...
View more details >Track clearing to pond…
We took a little time today to begin to clear the track that leads from the garden down to the pond. What a wonderful path it will be. What we had not realised is that the track is aligned directly from the house towards Strumble Head and the lighthouse. So when you are at the...
View more details >Storm Ophelia – a bit windy!
Well, Pembrokeshire was on the edge of storm Ophelia on Monday and it got a bit windy. We had taken the precaution of putting all objects that might fly from the yard and into sheds and then made all sheds as firmly closed and blockaded as possible the day before. The skip we have on...
View more details >Introducing the farm cats…
Not a cat person myself… but Debbie has 5 new friends… Maggie is struggling with here desire to eat them all at every opportunity, but so far they have all survived! We think the ginger one is the mother. Three of the four others are very small and obviously the same litter, plus...
View more details >Grain Dryer and shed clearing…
We set about clearing another shed today. This one has the old grain dryer in it, and grain pit, along with a lot of old rubbish. The grain pit is full of water, so this will be filled in with some of the rubbish/rubble before we eventually concrete over it. The grain...
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