Month: September 2017
Sea fog rolls in…
Dramatic walk to the cliffs last Sunday. It was beautifully sunny, but as we reached the cliffs, a line of fog was rolling in from the sea. The sea swell was also picking up and beginning to crash on the rocks. The fog was approaching shore like some sort of scary film… amazing.
View more details >Another resident…
Clearing brambles at the back of the buildings today, spotted this local resident… A beautiful grass snake. Unfortunately, he/she was an ex-resident by the time I spotted it! I’m afraid that I must have stepped on it among the brambles and rough grass. Instead of slithering away to safety, I had caused it to...
View more details >Water leak fun…
Mike, our nearest neighbour, told us that he thought we had a water leak in one of the fields near the house. He was right and yesterday we began digging to find it. Luckily we found the pipe pretty quickly and traced along the pipe to find the leak. It was covered over with an...
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