Storm Ophelia – a bit windy!
Well, Pembrokeshire was on the edge of storm Ophelia on Monday and it got a bit windy. We had taken the precaution of putting all objects that might fly from the yard and into sheds and then made all sheds as firmly closed and blockaded as possible the day before. The skip we have on site with lots of rubbish and plastic was a bit of a risk, so we put 3 old metal gates on top of the rubbish to try to hold it all down.
Monday morning became windy early on… rising from about 40 to 50 mph around mid-morning to about 75 mph by mid-afternoon. Debbie and I went onto the coastal area around 10am and it was very windy, but we went up again around 2:30pm and it was seriously wild! Pictures don’t really capture it… so try this video, with the sound turned up…
This video was taken while hiding behind a large cairn, but still a bit shaky from the wind gusts!
More interesting for the farming types was the effect of the salt spray over the pasture. Within a few hours of the storm, the grass and more specifically the broad-leaf plants in the grass (like the clover) was very burnt…
I’ve no doubt the grass will recover when we have some rain to wash the salt away, but it was a fast and dramatic effect. Nettles around the field borders were really badly affected, turning black within 48 hours… a glyphosate alternative??
David • Post Author •
10/11/2017 at 9:54 amHi Julie
It was quite exciting. Luckily no building damage and the grass has recovered remarkably well. It took about a week/10 days to get back to about normal.
It’s mild and often wet here, so the grass is still growing well.
I hope you will come down and see us some time. You will always be welcome!
David and Debbie
03/11/2017 at 2:26 pmWow I can imagine the force of the wind by your video!!!
The dramatic scenery I expect it was quite something to experience.
The blackening of plants it’s amazing eh? .However mother earth is powerful and it will recover.
Love the updates and hope all is going to plan xxx