Grain Dryer and shed clearing…

We set about clearing another shed today.  This one has the old grain dryer in it, and grain pit, along with a lot of old rubbish.  The grain pit is full of water, so this will be filled in with some of the rubbish/rubble before we eventually concrete over it.



The grain dryer is interesting.  In speaking to our neighbour, Mike, he remembers working here as a lad and told us a bit about the how it all worked.  They had a small auger that fed grain from the pit up into the dryer bed and he had to then level it out on the dryer before firing it up for several hours to dry the grain.


old hessian sacking was hung up alongside the dryer to try to keep some of the dust back.The dryer’s fan is a bit of a beast.

This shed also gives access to a loft area above the next shed.  This was also full of rubbish… old timbers, plastic bags, rubble, wire, etc.  On climbing up and clearing this, we also discovered that most of the floor boards are completely rotten, as I found when I put a foot through the floor at one point!

But now we have another clean shed.  Happiness, as most men will tell you, is a clean shed!