Boys Movements
We separated Tim from the cows at the beginning of this month. The young calves are growing quickly and are still feeding from their mums. We have seen a bit of bulling starting amongst the calves indicating the girls are maturing, whilst the other cows had stopped bulling so seemed like a good to time to move him. We don’t want any accidents!
Always seems a shame to move him on but he goes in with Cyril (his son), a young steer we are fattening up and Trevor the ram. None of the animals like being on their own, so we always try to keep the boys together when possible. Cyril absolutely adores Tim and follows him round like his shadow. Managed to get this rather glorious photo of him, he has lost quite a bit of weight on his back end, he has obviously been a busy boy. The cows will be scanned in a couple of months so fingers crossed they are all pregnant.
Trevor (100kg) just thinks he is the same size as Tim (weighing a tonne) and is forever challenging him to a bit of rough and tumble, Tim quite often has a light covering of sheep wool on his head!
They all had a few weeks together, we then moved Trevor in with the ewes. He was certainly very pleased to see them and started work straight away – not sure they were impressed!