Lleyn sheep at Treathro…

Possibly against my better judgement, we have bought a small group of 15 Lleyn hoggets (1-year-old female).  The group included 2 that were accidentally in lamb, the first of which arrived with the group on 22nd April and the second was born on 10th May (Debbie’s birthday).






This second lamb was a bit reluctant to come into this world and needed a little assistance.  Luckily for us, we had Paul and Clare Burden staying with us and they provided great advice and guidance on making sure that the little devil didn’t die!  We brought ewe and lamb inside, Debbie milked the ewe to get us 60ml if colostrum which we then gave the lamb by stomach tube.  We needed to do this because the lamb had a rather swollen tongue after the tough birth.  The lamb survived and was soon feeding from it’s mum.




All the sheep are doing well and they are doing a great job of eating the docks in the fields, following the cows that just won’t eat this troublesome weed.  We’ve dragged them all (trimmed the wool from around their bums) to hopefully reduce problems with flies.



Before anyone comments, no… I didn’t accidentally trim my own head!

With the recent arrival of Cwtch (our border collie pup), we also are carefully introducing her to the flock…